Category Archives: Uncategorized

Stripes Unite!

One thing you might have noticed is that Mommy loves stripes (here, here, and here). I don’t know if she’s making me a preppy or a jailbird but every day, here come the stripes.


Yesterday Aunt Hayley joined me in solidarity and wore stripes too.
I was so happy. We stripers have to stick together.

IMG_0535 IMG_0559

But c’mon, sometimes a little guy has to wear some elephants or trucks or something else, right?

Separated at Birth

Sooooo…today, August 8, 2015, is my official due date. But I came a few weeks early on July 21 because I couldn’t wait to see Mommy and Daddy and because I was tired of lying on my left side. It was way dark in there too. I also couldn’t wait to go hunt frogs with Daddy, watch True Detective with Mommy, and go running with Aunt Hayley.

Here’s my before and after head-shots  (note to Ford modeling agency, please stop calling!).

IMG_0006    July 21 (2.5 weeks ago)

FullSizeRender-2    August 8 (today)

I’m sure glad I came early, I get to eat, sleep, and read stories all the time. Lucky me!

Boy Meets Girl

Today was another big day! I got to meet my new best (girl)friend, Amelia! And yup, she’s as beautiful and adorable as her pictures. Here she is…


Mommy, Grammy and I walked with Amelia and her mom, Amanda, in Prospect Park. We had fun, but I’ll be honest with you, Amelia got on my nerves a little because she’s five weeks older than me and thinks she’s hot stuff because she can go longer between feedings. It was fun though, and Mommy and Amanda got caught up discussing how wonderful new parenthood is (insert wink emoji).


I can’t wait for more playdates with Amelia. I keep thinking about how much fun we’re going to have growing up together.


It’s a Big Day!

I’m only two weeks old so you’re probably wondering what makes today so big. Well, three big things!


I went to my doctor and I’ve gained 11 ounces!! That’s big! Then my doctor said it’s okay to meet my new girlfriend Amelia (she’s been sick). That’s big! Then my doctor said Mommy could drink wine now. That’s really big!  He said other big things too like I could have a pacifier. That’s big because it’s a family tradition! So, to celebrate, Mommy and Grammy stopped at the nearest wine store to stock up and celebrate! Hmmm… this makes me wonder what’s gonna happen at my next doctor’s appointment.


Two Weeks Old!

I started thinking…


I’m two weeks old today so figured it’s about time I start waking up…so I did! Mommy, get ready, the fun is just beginning!


Reality Bites


Monday morning blues = Daddy headed back to work after taking such great care of me. Thanks, Dad, can’t wait to see you tonight!



Sizing up the Competition



I got to meet my new nephew today. Sure, Luke is really cute and all, and I love him,  but did he have to take my place as the baby of the family?! This is going to take an attitude adjustment, big-time.