Hey. Sorry I’ve been MIA but for good reason…I’ve been on vacation!
Yep, I was pretty pumped when Mommy said we were going on an airplane to Florida!
at the airport
It had been such a long winter. Snow, cold and sickness. Something a little Florida could cure.
We hit the beach at Ponte Vedra, and kicked off the vacation in the best way possible…with a pit stop at the toy store.
it’s bigger than me!
I was so happy I brought my trucks with me so I could dig in the sand.
The weather wasn’t great but we still had fun. In a way, it was better cause I had the beach all to myself.
Daddy and I each did our favorite things. Um, that would be birding and digging, duh.
It wasn’t all sand and games though. We took some beach breaks. One day we went to an alligator farm.
Of course no trip with me means a sick-free zone. Nope. Luckily I had brought my stash of lollipops to help me feel better.
But then I rallied and went swimming, played on the playground,
played golf, and rode in the cart.
I dug in the sand some more and hunted for shark teeth.
Got sick again, but nothing that a thick milkshake couldn’t cure.
or a new toy.
We ate so much yummy food. I tried to be on my best behavior when we went out to dinner and not bellow out my trademark primal scream.
It really was a lot of fun. There was just one problem…
We got back home and it was freezing.
in warmer times
So I’m packed and ready to go back.