Happy Thanksgiving

I’m back! I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for lots of things this year but most of all for being born. Heck, yeah.  I had a fun time hanging out with my fam in Hingham. I have so much to tell you, it’ll probably take me all week. So here I go with Day 1, Thanksgiving Day.

I got to go to the beach for the very first time. It was great because everyone took turns holding me so I got plenty of attention.



Even my new friend Summer got in the act.

IMG_1233 IMG_1211  IMG_1224

Whoa, that was scary, I thought Hayley was going to throw me in and I can’t even dog paddle yet!

IMG_1223  The MTeam

Daddy brought all of his fancy camera stuff to take lots of pictures…um, of the birds.


IMG_1240 Funny photobomb!


It sure was fun. I can’t wait to come back this summer so I can eat loads of that yummy sand!

IMG_1254 IMG_1257Then we went home to eat that big bird. Gee, I’m so popular I got two bibs for Turkey Day to wear… decisions, decisions.


I hope you had a great holiday too!

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